Crafters Village & Music
An interactive display of some of Ireland’s oldest traditions in craft making including Basket Weaving, Wood Turning, Blacksmithing, Tapestry Weaving and more…

Historic & Heritage Walking Tour

East Galway Style, Keeping The Tradition Alive
Book and CD launch on “The Compositions of Tommy Whelan” by Séan Moloney.

All Ireland U-18 Comórtas Labhairt na Gaeilge
All Ireland U-18 Comórtas Labhairt na Gaeilge (Cup & Monetary prize)

Singers Circle
An open session for singers and listeners of all traditions and languages who are warmly welcomed to join in the singers circle.

Amateur Photo Competition
We are delighted to announce the launch of the Féile Cheoil Larry Reynolds 2024 Amateur Photography Competition. All you have to do to enter is send in an image that you think captures our 11th Anniversary Féile Weekend. Get snapping and be in with a chance to win. Two prizes of €50.00 up for grabs.
Closing date 15th September 2024. Email your entries to secfeilecheoillarryreynolds@gmail.com
- Only digital images will be accepted. They can be in colour or black & white.
- Submissions which include images of people will be accepted once permission has been obtained to reproduce said image.
- All photos must be submitted electronically in .jpeg format and must be a minimum of 1MB in size.
- Each entry must include the full name and address of the photographer.

Shop Front Window Competition – In association with BACD & Shop Ballinasloe
Get dressed for success for Féile Cheoil Larry Reynolds. Be part of our Féile Cheoil and get into the Féile Spirit. We are asking businesses to dress their shop windows to represent the theme of our festival. This competition is open to ALL the businesses in the town, so whether you are a shop, a hotel, a restaurant, an office, or a café – if you decorate it for the Féile you are in the competition and have the opportunity to win a prize. €100 for the winner and €50.00 for the runners up. Dressing windows and fronts for the weekend Féile really helps to create a wonderful atmosphere in the town and it gives businesses in the town an opportunity to display their creative talents.
Email photos of your window display to secfeilecheoillarryreynolds@gmail.com between 26th August – 08th September 2024. The best Féile window will be independently adjudicated, and the winners will be announced on Friday 15th September 2024. The adjudicator’s decision is final. Photos provided may be used on social media.